Friday, June 1, 2012

1st Jun. House Centipede

House Centipede
6月1日 ゲジゲジだぞ

We enjoyed the game which is resembles baseball. When we take the field someone catch a ball, then every time we have to come together and say “Out!” When we go to bat, a batter has to go around a corn which the batter chose. The first cone has 1 point value, the second one has 2 points, and the third one is 3 points. When a batter was faster than defense, the team gets some points.
[Movie] The game resembles baseball動画:( 7sec, 7sec)

At last, I found it. Oh! Long time no see. It was my first time to meet it after I came back to Japan. Although I used to be scared of it, I feel it’s pretty now, maybe because I was fighting against 20cm centipedes in Tonga. Japanese house centipede is very small and has no poison. See you soon!
 ところでhouse centipede=家のムカデ=ゲジゲジの様ですが、トンガでは毒を持った筋骨隆々のムカデ達が当たり前のように家の中にいます。それはHouse centipedeって呼んでいいのでしょうか・・・分からないな~。

I ate my favorite Chinese soup noodles. The restaurant “Ryouga” is luxurious.

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